Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fund Keeps Growing!!

Wow, we are up to $115.00 already and January isn't even over yet. : ) I had to upgrade to a Premium PayPal account and will have to pay a small fee on all transactions, but that is fine with me because it means I hit the total number of transactions I was allowed and needed to upgrade to accept more contributions! How exciting is that? As I said before, I will absorb all fees so all donations go to the fund in full.

So far no one has requested to receive assistance getting to the http://www.greatbighappylife.com/.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fund is Growing!

As of today, we are up to $85.00 in the Sunshine Fund! I am really excited!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First donations!

The fund received its first donations today! There is currently $35.00 in the fund. I did not realize that PayPal would take a percentage out of each donation - I have only ever paid with PayPal, never received funds. I will pay the fees myself so that the full donation amount that anyone makes will go into the fund. Thanks to those that donated today!


RULOA Sunshine Fund

Hi all! This is the blog for the RULOA Sunshine Fund that will be used to help get other list members the financial boost they need to attend the "Great Big Happy Life Conference".

I set up a PayPal account under my screen name calhomeschooler@aol.com. To make a donation to the Sunshine Fund, simply go to https://www.paypal.com/us/ and send funds for "services/other" to the email address. I will confirm with each of you as I receive donations.

In order to keep a running record for all to see how much I have received, I will post on this blog daily the donations received and the total to date. I will also post to the RULOA list once a week both as a reminder of the Sunshine Fund and to let everyone know how much has been raised. Once all donations have been collected, they will be evenly distributed to the recipients (who will need a PayPal account in order to receive the funds.)

I have never done this before, so if questions or suggestions come up, please feel free to send them my way! I am really excited about doing this and looking forward to making a little LOA happen for some conference attendees! : )

For those of you that feel you need that extra boost to help you get to the conference, please email me at calhomeschooler@aol.com and I will add your name to a confidential list. I will only share the names of recipients with Dayna and will leave it up to each individual if they want to let the list know.

Blessings to all,